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How Devine is Guru Purnima

24 th July A very big day of this year, yes, on this Ashadh Purnima, the festival of Guru Purnima is being celebrated in India. Take a look at the history of Indian culture, many ideal gurus have given guidance in every era. The birth anniversary of the author of Mahabharata and Adi Guru Ved Vyas ji is celebrated as Guru Purnima.

This is not only an important day for those who believe in Hinduism, but it is also an important day for the people of Buddhism and Jainism. On the day of Gurupurnima, students respect their teachers, teachers or ideal person and wish them a happy life on this day.

Guru has a special importance in the Indian spiritual world, that is why it is celebrated with pomp all over the country to honor him, it is rightly said that there is no Guru without knowledge, darkness is there only as long as it is there. Dinman no re. You cannot attain true knowledge unless you have the company of a true Guru, even if you sit day and night in the palace of books.

The sign of the greatness of the Guru is his sacrifice. The greatest sacrifice and service you can see in the life of a Guru. He regularly imparts authentic and true knowledge to his students even in the most difficult of circumstances, it is a fact that the teacher i.e. the guru himself may not have reached any great position, but by giving that training to thousands of his students, he is educated by the administration. and qualify for other services.

He tries to give as much knowledge as possible to his disciple by keeping a balance between his experience and the present circumstances. In today’s time, in order to make education marketable, to increase their customer or strength, they keep on trying to memorize the students day and night by moving beyond the limits of tricks, formulas, and studies. Such people claim to take our education system forward, but as a result their teaching disciples become mere rote creatures.

On the other hand, a qualified and trained guru gives full benefit of his experience to his disciples. The first quality of an ideal teacher is to have complete control over his subject, which is rarely seen in these feku gurus of today. It is not that the whole teacher world is making a means of selling knowledge. The dedicated teachers are still increasing the pride of the country in various fields by giving quality education to the children in their schools.

No matter what the era, the society has always given a high position to the Guru. This is how the glory of Guru has been described in the scriptures of Hindu religion. He has been given a higher status than God. Sant Kabir Das ji has also said the same thing. This tradition of our Guru’s respect has been going on for thousands of years and is alive till date. Worshiping our revered gurus in the form of Guru Purnima, respecting their honor is the specific purpose of this day.

In history, we get the mention of many Adi Gurus, Arjun’s Guru Drona, Chandragupta’s Guru Chanakya, disciples like Eklavya, Guru Nanak Dev, Mahavir Swami, Gautam Buddha, Shankaracharya and Muni Vyas must have been read about. Do you know in the memory of which great man Guru Purnima is celebrated ,This festival is celebrated to commemorate the birthday of Muni Ved Vyas, who is called the Adi Guru of India. He composed a book like Mahabharata.

Chandragupta Maurya got the blessings of the Guru, due to which an ordinary child became the great emperor of India, whom we remember even today, the same Chanakya suffered the wrath of Guru Ghananand. He was punished for insulting the Guru in the form of the destruction of his clan. We should take education in life by observing such aspects of history. At the same time, there must be a person in your life at whose feet the head is always bowed, at the time of calamity, his feet should be met and he should be blessed in solving every puzzle of life.

Even today, Dronacharya honor is given to the coach who gives good training in the sports world. Everyone is familiar with the name of the great cricketer Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar. His guru’s name was Ramakant Achrekar. Sachin’s talent, who proved to be laggy in the tenth standard, was amazing in cricket, which today the whole world is called the God of cricket. But it was Achrekar sir who recognized the talent of cricket in that little child. It was he who made the child Sachin the great Sachin Tendulkar.

How virtuous and knowledgeable the child will become, it depends on our teachers. Only a guru can identify the hidden talent in a child. That is what makes it the right way to live life. The education and teachers of a civilization play a big role in becoming the best or ending. India was called Vishwa Guru because the education system and institutions here were of high quality. Students from abroad used to come to study in institutions like Taxila &Nalanda.

So it is clear that if we want to make our society, country and civilization better, then we have to adopt our ancient Guru Shishya tradition and education system. The stairs of success in life can be climbed only when we get the guidance of Guru. Without their guidance, humans would be confused. You will deviate from your desired goal. In return, the Guru does not want anything from us for wealth, he just needs to give respect to him.

Scholars say that if you want to be successful in life, then go to the feet of the Guru. Without them even a good person cannot be made in life. We can enter in different areas of life like sports, education, medicine, cinema, literature, spirituality etc. But how far our journey will go, it depends on our guru and his training. The right way to celebrate Guru Purnima


Guru Purnima is mainly a festival associated with the culture of India. Gurupurnima is specially celebrated by those who believe in the four major religions Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist and Jainism that originated from this earth. In our culture, the guru is given a status above the trinity of Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh. The reason for this is that it is the Guru who gives us knowledge about ourselves, about the world and about every living being, he gives knowledge of God and also tells us how to achieve it.

If any human race has the most contribution in building a civilized and educated society, then they are our teachers, we should express our gratitude towards them, always respect and honor them. The festival of Guru Purnima is such an occasion when we can show our devotion to our beloved Guru by giving Guru Dakshin.

 Dakshina can be anything the best Dakshina is just to obey him confusion Less


(Swami DivyaGyan )



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