Sanjay Pandey
Ranchi EW News : In the late evening, Prime Minister Narendra Modi arrived in Ranchi. After being welcomed at the airport, a roadshow was conducted in Ranchi. During the roadshow, Prime Minister Narendra Modi, along with opposition leader Amar Kumar Bauri and BJP candidate Sanjay Seth, traveled in an open vehicle.
A large crowd, including many women and youth, gathered during the roadshow. A frenzy for taking selfies ensued. Traditional dances, songs, and drum beats welcomed the Prime Minister at 15 different locations.
The crowd showered flowers on the Prime Minister. At Birsa Chowk, the Prime Minister paid homage to the statue of Dharti Aaba Birsa Munda. The Prime Minister’s convoy stopped at Bharat Mata Chowk. There, he stepped out of his car. Opposition leader Amar Kumar Bauri, candidate Sanjay Seth, Former BJP president Deepak Prakash, Vikas Preetam, Vinay Jayaswal, Nishi Jayaswal, and Umesh Kumar Sahu welcomed him. There, Prime Minister Narendra Modi boarded a chariot, accompanied by opposition leader Amar Kumar Bauri and MP candidate Sanjay Seth. Names of various leaders welcoming at different intersections:
At Hinoo Chowk: Pappu Jayaswal, Umesh Yadav, Ramji Prasad, Anand Murti Singh. At Birsa Chowk: Santosh Mishra. At DPS Chowk: Anand Murti, Kajal Pradhan. At Argoda: Prakash Sahu, Sunil Sahu, Muneshwar Sahu. At BJP State Office: Aarti Kujur, Aarti Singh. At Harmu Chowk: Indrajit Yadav, Arun Jha, Sahajanand Chowk: Sandeep Verma, Pratul Shahadev, Sujit Sharma. At Bharat Mata Chowk: KK Gupta, Prem Verma, Mukesh Mukta. At Balmiki Basti: Bhagat Balmiki, Govinda Balmiki. At Garage: Rahul Chaudhary, Romit Narayan Singh. At Shani Temple: Varun Sahu, Jitendra Verma, Sunil Gupta, Lalit Ojha. At Vishal Megamart: CP Singh, Balram Singh, Anil Kaser, Raju Singh, Om Prakash. At Ratoo Road Giridhar Plaza: Welcome led by Ramesh Singh.