A major accident took place in Mirzapur district of Uttar Pradesh on Wednesday. At the arena ghat of Vindhyachal, a boat full of visitors overturned in the Ganga River. There were 12 people from the same family in the boat. These people had come from Dhurva in Ranchi, the capital of Jharkhand, to worship Mother Vindhyavasini. The sailors saved 6 people. While 6 people are still missing. Three women and three children are among the missing.
According to the information received, Rajesh Tiwari, who lives in Dhurva area of Ranchi, had reached Mirzapur with his family to worship Vindhyachal Darshan. They were going across the river Ganga by boat at Akhara Ghat. During this, the boat started staggering in the middle of the river and overturned. Due to this the people in the boat started drowning. When the sailors heard their screams, they reached the spot with the boat and saved 6 people.
Apart from 35-year-old Rajesh on the boat, Vikas (28), Deepak (27), Alka (9), Ritika (7), Gudiya (28), Khushboo (30), Anisha (26), Satyam (5), the driver and Two children were on board. Out of this, Rajesh, Deepak, Vikas, Alka, Ritika and the driver have been rescued.
At the same time, when the police administration got the information about the accident, there was panic. DIG RK Bhardwaj, District Magistrate Praveen Kumar Lakshkar, Superintendent of Police Ajay Kumar Singh and Circle Officer Prabhat Rai have reached the spot. At present, the search is on for the missing people with the help of sailors and divers.
(EW Correspondent)