Monday, September 16, 2024
HomeStatesBetrayal of Development: Jharkhand's Unspent Budget Millions

Betrayal of Development: Jharkhand’s Unspent Budget Millions

Across successive regimes, be it the BJP-AJSUPA coalition or the JMM-Congress-RJD alliance, the rhetoric of development has rung hollow, overshadowed by the specter of unspent funds and shattered aspirations

Vijay Shankar Nayak

In the saga of Jharkhand’s developmental aspirations lies a tale of broken promises and unfulfilled potential, where the echoes of surrendering crores and billions of rupees meant for progress resonate louder than the clamor for change. Today, as the Jharkhand government stares at the prospect of relinquishing a staggering Rs 16,500 crore, it becomes imperative to confront the stark reality of a state shackled by the chains of underdevelopment and injustice.

The narrative of fiscal mismanagement and unspent budget allocations serves as a poignant indictment of governance failures, perpetuating a cycle of deprivation and marginalization for the impoverished masses of Jharkhand. With only 54 per cent of the allocated funds utilized until January, the state stands on the precipice of squandering yet another opportunity to uplift its downtrodden populace from the quagmire of poverty and neglect.

A cursory glance at the budgetary provisions for the fiscal year 2023-24 paints a grim picture of unmet aspirations and broken dreams. Out of a total budget allocation of Rs 116,418.00 crore, a paltry Rs 44,546.65 crore has been directed towards development schemes, leaving a vast chasm of unmet needs and unrealized potential. This blatant disregard for the welfare of the poor, Dalits, tribals, and indigenous communities reeks of betrayal and injustice, perpetuating centuries-old grievances and perpetuating systemic inequities.

Across successive regimes, be it the BJP-AJSUPA coalition or the JMM-Congress-RJD alliance, the rhetoric of development has rung hollow, overshadowed by the specter of unspent funds and shattered aspirations. Instead of catalyzing meaningful change, governments have entrenched a tradition of surrendering vast sums of money earmarked for development, condemning Jharkhand to a perpetual cycle of poverty, unemployment, and despair.

The figures speak volumes of this systemic failure, painting a damning portrait of bureaucratic ineptitude and governmental apathy. Departments entrusted with the vital task of fostering growth and prosperity languish in a quagmire of inefficiency, with shameful expenditure statistics revealing the depth of neglect. From the Agriculture Department, where a meager 16.25% of funds have been utilized, to the Disaster Management Department, which has seen a dismal 0% expenditure, the scale of mismanagement is staggering.

Out of the state’s 40 departments, a staggering 8 have spent less than 25% of their allocated funds, while 3 have failed to spend anything at all. This egregious dereliction of duty underscores the urgent need for systemic reforms and heightened accountability within the corridors of power. It is a travesty of justice that in a state grappling with endemic poverty and societal malaise, vital resources meant for transformational change lie dormant, squandered by bureaucratic inertia and governmental lethargy.

The ramifications of this fiscal malaise extend far beyond the realm of budgetary allocations, casting a long shadow of despair over the aspirations of millions of Jharkhandis yearning for a better tomorrow. As young mothers and sisters languish in the grip of disease, as tribal communities bear the brunt of forced migration, and as the specter of hunger looms large over the girl child, the political elite engage in a callous game of budgetary brinkmanship, betraying the very people they were elected to serve.

In the face of such monumental challenges, there exists a glimmer of hope—a beacon of resilience and determination amidst the gloom. The onus lies on the government to harness its internal resources, to bolster accountability mechanisms, and to ensure that every rupee allocated for development serves its intended purpose. Only through concerted action and unwavering commitment to the welfare of its citizens can Jharkhand transcend the shackles of underdevelopment and forge a path towards prosperity and progress.

The time for half-measures and empty promises has passed. The people of Jharkhand demand and deserve nothing less than a government that is accountable, transparent, and committed to their welfare. It is incumbent upon the political leadership to heed this clarion call, to shun the culture of surrendering budgetary allocations, and to chart a new course towards a brighter, more equitable future for all Jharkhandis. Anything less would be a betrayal of trust, an injustice to the aspirations of millions, and a stain on the conscience of the nation.

( Writer is National General Secretary of Sampoorna Bharat Kranti Party )



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