Ranchi: Jharkhand Chief Minister Hemant Soren on Saturday said that the peak of Coronavirus is yet not over. The Chief Minister on his social media page wrote that as long as a single Jharkhandi is dying the peak is still there, the danger is prevailing and it is neither the time to become happy or sit back and relax. He said that the recovery rate in the state has gone beyond 90 per cent and for the last few days the infection rate is around 4 per cent. He said that these figures are encouraging for the state for which the healthcare staff and each person involved in the battle against Coronavirus and people of the state needed to be congratulated.
The Chief Minister said that now the government has accorded focus on increasing the testing, tracking and treatment in rural areas. He said that as part of preparations for the third phase apart from necessary steps are being taken. He said that he was aware of the fact that people are facing problems due to registration for vaccines and all necessary steps are being taken to sort out the issue and soon it will be solved.
The Chief Minister requested the people not to come out of their homes without masks. He said that vaccines are being provided from the taxes paid by the people and are completely safe therefore they should come forward to take the vaccination and also encourage others to do the same.